
Janat Caravan offered tea during Earth Garden in Yoyogi

Earth Garden in Yoyogi

Earth Garden in Yoyogi

In 2016, the Earth Garden fall was held at Yoyogi Park on 10/22 (Saturday) and 23 (Sun). The French painter Aude de Saint-Exupery designed at this occasion an impressive original product with the theme of “travel”.

For more information about Earth Garden and its upcoming events, visit the festival website:

Key Takeaways:

  • Earth Garden fall festival was held at Yoyogi Park in October 2016.
  • French painter Aude de Saint-Exupery created a unique design themed around “travel.”
  • Visit the festival website for future event details.

Earth Garden in Yoyogi

Earth Garden in Yoyogi Earth Garden in Yoyogi

Earth Garden in Yoyogi

Earth Garden in Yoyogi